Collage and Assemblage
collage, noun, \kə - ̔l̇äzh\ kȯ-, kō-
1a: an artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued onto a surface
1b: a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements
2: the art of making collages
assemblage, noun, as·sem·blage | \ ə-ˈsem-blij
1: a collection of persons or things : GATHERING
2: the act of assembling : the state of being assembled
3a: an artistic composition made from scraps, junk, and odds and ends (as of paper, cloth, wood, stone, or metal)
b: the art of making assemblages

Assemblage of found objects . 2024 . 20" diameter . $500

Assemblage of found objects . 2024 . NFS

Paint and collage on vintage roll-down map . 2019 . 53" x 67" . $2,500

Assemblage of found objects . 2024 . 20" diameter . $500